Why is gas necessary for macular hole surgery?

Surgical repair of macular holes can close this hole in over 90% of cases. This operation requires a vitrectomy that removes the vitreous scaffold that is thought to contribute to the formation of the hole. Before this operation was reported in the 1980s, the majority of macular holes were incurable.

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Helena Leslie
How has cataract surgery evolved over the years?

Modern-day cataract surgery is one of the most common and successful surgical procedures performed worldwide. Our lens helps us see by focusing light onto the retina. A cataract is any opacity that develops in this naturally clear lens. If allowed to progress, the entire lens can become cloudy and white. When looking at an eye with an advanced cataract, the pupil (centre of the eye) is white instead of black. In the past, it was thought that this white appearance resembled a cataract, the white water seen as a waterfall cascades.

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